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Simplified summary for understanding of various Intellectual Property rights in India
What is Protected? Functional features of a process, structural features of a machine or manufactured item or substance satisfying the tests of novelty and inventive step. Ornamental pattern, outer design for article of manufacture. Writings, photographs, music, labels, works of art, computer programs. Words, names, symbols and devices, combination of colours, shapes
Criteria for Protection? New and 'non-obvious' and capable of industrial application. New and not published anywhere in the world Originality Should be capable of identifying and distinguishing the goods and/or services of the Proprietor. Should not conflict with a prior Registered or pending mark.
How Rights are obtained An application in the prescribed manner is to be made with the appropriate fee. Granted only by Central Government Patent Office. An application in the prescribed manner is to be made with fee to the Patent Office 1. Automatic upon creation

2. By applying Copyright notice © 1991 [Year of the first publication] if publicly distributed.

3. An application in the prescribed manner is to be made with fee to the Registrar of Copyright.
1. By Common Law: Adoption and Use.

2. An application in the prescribed manner with fee to the Registrar of Trade Marks.
Marking Goods may be marked Patent Pending or Patent No./year (After Grant) Goods may be marked Design No. 0000/year (After Grant). © 1991 Use ® for Registered Trademark and (TM) for unregistered.
Life 20 years from the date of filing in India (date of filing of PCT application in case of national phase of PCT application) irrespective of subject matter. 10 years and one renewal term of  5 years. Valid for 60 years from date of death of author. 1. Common Law: As long as commercially used as a mark.

2. Registration is for a period of 10 years and perpetual subject to renewal every 10 years.
Test of Infringement Making, using or selling a patented article or composition or carrying on a process embodying the claimed invention, in India, or importing the patented article or an article made directly from a patented process, without authorisation of the patentee. Designs which look alike to the eye of an ordinary observer. Substantial portion copied. Similarity, Public Performance without licence. Likelihood of confusion or deception. Deliberate copying.
International Protection Indian patents are not valid in any other country just like Foreign Patents are not valid in India, unless granted in India. Indian Designs are not valid in any other country just like Foreign Designs are not valid in India, unless registered in India. Indian Copyrights are valid in countries which are members of the Berne Convention. Indian Trademarks are not valid in any other country just like Foreign Trademarks are not valid in India, unless used or applied for/granted in India.
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